Online Coin Auction #105

Wednesday, 18 December 2024 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

1301 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). Semis. (Ae. 3.97g/18mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-855). Anv: Male head to the right, behind a dolphin. Rev: Horse leaping to the right, below Iberian legend: CaRBiCa. VF.
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Starting price: 65€
Price realised: 70€

1302 | Celtiberian coins

CONTEBACOM BEL (Botorrita, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 10.51g/23mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-861). Anv: Male head to the right, behind Iberian letter: BeL, in front a dolphin. Reverse: Horseman with lance to the right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 85€

1303 | Celtiberian coins

CONTEBACOM BEL (Botorrita, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 6.52g/21mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-861). Anv: Male head to the right, behind Iberian letter: BeL, in front a dolphin. Reverse: Horseman with lance to the right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF-.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1304 | Celtiberian coins

CORDUBA (Córdoba). Monetiform lead. (Pb. 26.21g/27mm). (CCP-1, catalogued as RRR). Obv: Head of Venus right, behind 3 points, front legend: CN FVLVI. Rev: Cupid with cornucopia left. Fine-. Rare.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1305 | Celtiberian coins

CUNBARIA (between Cabezas de San Juan and Lebrija, Seville). Semis. (Ae. 7.40g/21mm). 50 Fine (FAB-880). Anv: Male head right, behind S. Rev: Tuna left, between legend: CVNB/ARIA. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

1306 | Celtiberian coins

DAMANIU (Aragon area). As. (Ae. 7.04g/22mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-890). Anv: Male head to right, behind X, in front dolphin. Reverse: Horseman with lance to right, behind Iberian legend: DaMANIU. VF. Scarce.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 80€

1307 | Celtiberian coins

EBORA (Évora, Portugal). As. (Ae. 9.26g/26mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-902). Anv: Head of Augustus to the left, around legend: PERM CAES AVG P M. Rev: Láurea, inside legend in three lines: LIBERAL IVLIAE EBOR. Fine.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 65€

1308 | Celtiberian coins

EBUSUS (Ibiza). 1/8 Calco. (Ae. 1.47g/12mm). 200-100 Fine (FAB-924). Obv: Bes with a kilt facing forward with hammer and snake. Reverse: Bull charging right. VF.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 42€

1309 | Celtiberian coins

EBUSUS (Ibiza). Semis. (Ae. 5.85g/23mm). 20 Fine (FAB-947). Obverse: Bes with hammer and snake, to his left Punic letters Alef and Zain. Reverse: Punic legend. VF.
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Starting price: 70€
Price realised: 70€

1310 | Celtiberian coins

ECUALACOS (Soria-Guadalajara area). As. (Ae. 7.24g/22mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-969). Anv: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind it Iberian letter: E. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below legend: ECuALACoS. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 70€
Price realised: 180€

1311 | Celtiberian coins

ECUALACOS (Soria-Guadalajara area). As. (Ae. 12.34g/26mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-969). Anv: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind Iberian letter: E. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below legend: ECuALACoS. Good Very Fine.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

1312 | Celtiberian coins

ECUALACOS (Soria-Guadalajara area). As. (Ae. 8.24g/24mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-969). Anv: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind it a Iberian letter: E. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below legend: ECuALACoS. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 111€

1313 | Celtiberian coins

ECUALACOS (Soria-Guadalajara area). As. (Ae. 7.88g/23mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-969). Anv: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind it a Iberian letter: E. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below legend: ECuALACoS. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1314 | Celtiberian coins

EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida, Badajoz). As. (Ae. 6.31g/25mm). 27 Fine (FAB-986). Anv: Head of Augustus to the right, around legend: CAESAR AVGVS TRIBVN POTEST. Rev: Legend: P CARISIVS LEG AVGVSTI. Good Fine/Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 50€

1315 | Celtiberian coins

EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida, Badajoz). Semis. (Ae. 5.20g/22mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1016). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Rev: Legionary eagle between standards, above: COAE, between them: LE/VX. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 60€

1316 | Celtiberian coins

EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida, Badajoz). Semis. (Ae. 4.19g/19mm). 22 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1017). Obverse: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: PERM CAES AVG. Reverse: Insignia and legionary eagle, below: LE/VX, around legend: CO AE. Very Fine/Good Very Fine.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 140€

1317 | Celtiberian coins

EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida, Badajoz). As. (Ae. 9.93g/27mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1051). Obverse: Head of Augustus radiating to the left, around legend: DIVVS AVG PATER CAE. Reverse: Ara, around legend: PERMI AVG PROVIDENT. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 160€

1318 | Celtiberian coins

EMERITA AUGUSTA (Mérida, Badajoz). As. (Ae. 10.84g/26mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1056). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus left, around legend: TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS PON MAX IMP. Rev: City gate, around legend: COL AVGVSTA EMERITA. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 65€

1319 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.57g/11mm). 220-215 Fine (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Reverse: Pegasus flying right. VF+.
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Price: 150€

1320 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.37g/11mm). 220-215 Fine (FAB-1105). Obv: Female head right. Reverse: Pegasus flying right. VF+.
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Starting price: 120€
Price realised: 120€

1321 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). Tritartemorion. (Ar. 0.56g/11mm). 220-215 Fine (FAB-1196; ACIP 526). Obv: Female diademed head facing right surrounded by circular border of dots. Reverse: Pegasus flying right, below two roundels. VF.
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Starting price: 80€
Price realised: 85€

1322 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). Hemitrietartemorion (Ar. 0.14g/7mm). 450-400 Fine (FAB-1197). Obv: Female head with headdress left. Reverse: Pegasus flying right, two roundels below. VF+. Light iridescent patina on reverse.
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 90€

1323 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). Mite. (Ar. 0.85g/11mm). 450-400 Fine (FAB does not cite; ACIP 2, cataloged as R7) Anv: Protome of a bearded androcephalic bull on the left. Rev: Even irregular. Good Very Fine. Very rare.
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Starting price: 350€
Price realised: 350€

1324 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). As. (Ae. 10.23g/26mm). 50-27 Fine (FAB-1246). Obverse: Head of Pallas with helmet right. Reverse: Pegasus right, laurel wreath above, legend below: EMPORI. VF.
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Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 100€

1325 | Celtiberian coins

EMPORION (Ampurias, Gerona). Monetiform lead. (Pb. 7.67g/19mm). (CCP-1, catalogued as RRRR). Obv: Pegasus running to the right. Reverse: Two opposing dolphins. VF. Rare specimen.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 260€

1326 | Celtiberian coins

EGoodAVICA (Cañaveruelas, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 12.87g/30mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1278). Obverse: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: DIVI F AVGVSTVS. Reverse: Bull right, above: MVN, below: EGoodAVICA. Very Fine-/Very Fine.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 65€

1327 | Celtiberian coins

EUSTIBAICULA (Vic region). As. (Ae. 9.88g/25mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1294). Obverse: Male head to the right, wild boar behind. Reverse: Galloping horse to the right, below Iberian legend: EUSTiBaIKuLA. VF. Retouched. Very rare.
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Lot withdrawn

1328 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Pair of calque and 1/8 calque. 200-100 Fine (FAB-1325 and 1334). TO BE EXAMINED.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 45€

1329 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). As. (Ae. 12.90g/26mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1339). Obverse: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Reverse: Two tuna left, above and below Punic legend type B, between both crescent with dot and Punic letter aleph. VF.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 85€

1330 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). As. (Ae. 6.69g/26mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1339). Obv: Head of Hercules left, club behind. Reverse: Two tuna left, between them crescent moon and dot, Punic letter alef, around Punic legend type B. VF-. Oxidations on reverse.
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Price: 40€

1331 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Semifinals. (Ae. 3.12g/17mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1347). Obv: Head of Hercules with lion skin left, club in front. Reverse: Two tuna left, between them crescent with dot and Punic letter alef, between them Punic legend. VF. Cleaned.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 25€

1332 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.24g/17mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1356). Anv: Head of Hercules with lion skin on left, club behind. Rev: Dolphin on left with trident between Punic legend. VF.
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Price: 40€

1333 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.15 g/17mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1356). Obverse: Head of Hercules with lion skin on left, club behind. Reverse: Dolphin on left with trident between Punic legend. VF+.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 75€

1334 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.52g/17 mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1356). Obverse: head of Hercules with lion skin, club behind. Reverse: Dolphin on left with trident behind, between Punic legend. VF.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1335 | Celtiberian coins

GADES (Cádiz). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.50g/17mm). 100-20 Fine (FAB-1356). Anv: Head of Hercules with lion skin on left, club behind. Rev: Dolphin on left with trident between Punic legend. VF.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 25€

1336 | Celtiberian coins

GILI (Gilet, Valencia). Quadrant. (Ae. 2.34g/15mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1390). Obv: Shell. Rev: Dolphin on right, above three dots, below Iberian legend: GiLI. VF. Very rare specimen.
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Price: 300€

1337 | Celtiberian coins

ICALCUUncirculatedEN (Iniesta, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 8.40g/25mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1398). Anv: Male head right, behind dolphin. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield left, below Iberian legend: ICaLCuUncirculatedeN. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 40€

1338 | Celtiberian coins

ICALCUUncirculatedEN (Iniesta, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 8.40g/25mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1399). Anv: Male head right, behind dolphin. Rev: Horseman with spear and shield left, below Iberian legend: ICaLCuUncirculatedeN. VF-.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1339 | Celtiberian coins

ICESANCOM COMBOUTO (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid). As. (Ae. 7.09g/26mm). 120-200 Fine (FAB-1421). Anv: Male head to the right, in front a dolphin, behind Iberian legend: CoNBoUTo. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below Iberian legend: ICeSANCoM. VF+. Nice specimen, rare as it is.
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Starting price: 450€
Price realised: 1.500€

1340 | Celtiberian coins

IESO (Guisona, Lérida). As. (Ae. 13.51g/26mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1422). Anv: Male head on the right, behind Iberian letter N and club. Rev: Rider with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: IESO. Very Fine. Rare specimen.
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Price: 250€

1341 | Celtiberian coins

ILDUCOITE (Catalonia area). As. (Ae. 14.54g/29mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1428). Anv: Male head surrounded by three dolphins. Rev: Rider with palm, below Iberian legend: ILDuCoITE. Extremely Fine. Nice specimen, rare and more so like this.
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Starting price: 500€
Price realised: 500€

1342 | Celtiberian coins

ILERGAVONIA (Tortosa, Tarragona). As. (Ae. 8.11g/24mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1493). Obverse: Laureate head of Tiberius right, legend around: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG AVGVSTVS. Reverse: Ship, below: DERT/ILRECAVONIA. Fine-/Fine. Scarce specimen.
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Price: 70€

1343 | Celtiberian coins

ILICI (Elche, Alicante). Semis. (Ae. 5.39g/21mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1516). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Ensigns, eagle and vexil, among them: CC IL A, above: L MANLIO T PETRON, below: II VIR. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 160€

1344 | Celtiberian coins

ILICI (Elche, Alicante). Semi-finals. (Ae. 5.68g/22mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-1519). Anv: Laureate head of Augustus right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Tetrastyle temple, with inscription: IVNONI, between the columns: CIIA, around: Q PAPIR CAR Q TERE MONT II VIR Q. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 68€

1345 | Celtiberian coins

ILICI (Elche, Alicante). Semis. (Ae. 6.51g/23mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-1526). Anv: Head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVG P M. Rev: Altar, inside: SAL/AVG, on the sides: CI/ IA, around legend: M IVLIVS SETTAL L SESTI CELER II VIR. Very Fine-. Cleaned.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 50€

1346 | Celtiberian coins

ILICI (Elche, Alicante). 14-36 AD (FAB-1529; ACIP-3210). Anv: Head of Tiberius left, around legend: TI CÉSAR DIVI AVG F AVG P M. Rev: Vexilo between eagles, around legend: L TER LON L PAP AVIT II VIR Q CIIA. Good Fine. Scarce.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 85€

1347 | Celtiberian coins

ILIPENSE (Alcalá del Río, Seville). As. (Ae. 18.96g/31mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1531). Obv: Shad on the right, below legend inside cartouche: ILIPENSE. Rev: Ear of wheat. VF.
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Price: 200€

1348 | Celtiberian coins

ILITURGI (Mengíbar, Jaén). As. (Ae. 12.41g/28mm). 50 Fine (FAB-1558). Anv: Diademed male head left. Rev: Horseman with palm to left, below legend: ILVTVRGI. VF. Refinished.
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Starting price: 250€
Price realised: 250€

1349 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIGoodEUncirculatedEN (Lérida). As. (Ae. 15.72g/29mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-1446). Anv: Male head to the right, behind a grain of wheat. Reverse: Horseman with palm to the right, below legend: ILTIGoodeUncirculatedeN. VF-.
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Price: 150€

1350 | Celtiberian coins

ILTIRTA (Lérida). As. (Ae. 11.17g/25mm). 200-20 Fine (FAB-1465). Obv: Male head right, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: ILTiRTa. VF+. Retouched.
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Starting price: 120€
Price realised: 220€