Online Coin Auction #105

Wednesday, 18 December 2024 | Madrid, 11:00 CET

1251 | Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaén). Quadrant. (Ae. 4.01g/17mm). 180 Fine (FAB-735). Anv: Diademed male head right. Rev: Wild boar right, star above, Iberian legend below line: CaSTeLE. VF.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 45€

1252 | Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaén). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.89g/16mm). 180 Fine (FAB-735). Anv: Diademed male head right. Rev: Wild boar right, star above, Iberian legend below line: CaSTeLE. VF.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1253 | Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazlona, Jaén). Sextant. (Ae. 1.21g/14mm). 180 Fine (FAB-746). Obverse: Diademed head right. Reverse: Bull right, crescent above. VF.
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Price: 30€

1254 | Celtiberian coins

CASTULO (Cazorla, Jaén). Sextant. (Ae. 2.86g/17mm). 180 Fine (FAB-746). Obverse: Diademed head right. Reverse: Bull right, crescent above. VF.
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Starting price: 30€
Not available

1255 | Celtiberian coins

CELIN (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia). As. (Ae. 8.21g/26mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-767). Anv: Male head right, between dolphin and palm. Reverse: Horseman with lance right, below Iberian legend: CeLIN. Good Fine. Rare specimen.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

1256 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla de Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.02g/30mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-771). Obv: Male head facing right with cloak and fibula, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm facing right, below Iberian legend on line: CeLSE. VF+.
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Starting price: 125€
Price realised: 125€

1257 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla de Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 12.13g/27mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-771). Anv: Male head right with cloak and fibula, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend above line: CeLSE. VF.
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Price: 60€

1258 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 10.99g/27mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-771). Anv: Male head right with cloak and fibula right, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend on line: CeLSE. VF-. Cleaned and small perforation.
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

1259 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 14.62g/29mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-771). Anv: Head to right with cloak and fibula to right, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend on line: CeLSE. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 45€

1260 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 16.80g/31mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-773). Anv: Head to right with cloak and fibula to right, around three dolphins. Reverse: Horseman with palm to right, below Iberian legend on line: CeLSE. VF-.
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Starting price: 70€
Price realised: 70€

1261 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 9.90g/26mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-778). Anv: Male head to right, behind a dolphin. Reverse: Horseman with lance to right, below on a line legend: CeLSE. VF-. Cleaned.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 75€

1262 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). Semis, heavy set. (Ae. 10.08g/22mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-782). Obv: Male head facing right surrounded by three dolphins. Rev: Horse with bridle facing right, crescent above, below Iberian legend above line: CeLSE. VF.
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Price: 130€

1263 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 8.36g/22mm). 120-50 Fine (FAB-782). Obverse: Male head facing right surrounded by three dolphins. Reverse: Horse with bridle facing right, crescent above, below Iberian legend above line: CeLSE. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 60€

1264 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 15.24g/31mm). 50-30 Fine (FAB-796). Obverse: Female bust facing right with palm, in front legend: COL VIC IVL LEP. Reverse: Yoke facing right, above legend: PR QVIN, below legend: M FVL C OTAC. Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

1265 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.23g/28mm). 50-30 Fine (FAB-796). Obverse: Female bust facing right with palm, in front legend: COL VIC IVL LEP. Reverse: Yoke facing right, above legend: PR QVIN, below legend: M FVL C OTAC. Good Fine.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 50€

1266 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 14.75g/30mm). 50-30 Fine (FAB-797). Anv: Male head with helmet facing right, in front legend: COL VIC IVL LEP. Rev: Bull charging right, above legend: PR II VIR, below legend: P SALPA M FVLI. Very Fine-.
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Price: 100€

1267 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 15.81g/31mm). 50-30 Fine (FAB-800). Anv: Female head to the right, behind palm, above: PR. II. VIR., below: CVIL Rev: Bull to the right, above: C. BALBO, below: L. POGoodIO. Good Very Fine. Oxidations.
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Price: 200€

1268 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.10g/29mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-804). Obverse: Head of Augustus facing right, around legend: COL VI CELSA II VIR. Reverse: Bull facing right, above legend: L POMPE BVCCO, below: L CORNE FRONT. Good Very Fine.
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Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 160€

1269 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 13.48g/29mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-808). Anv: Head of Augustus to the right, around legend: AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Rev: Bull to right, around legend: L SVRA CVI CEL L BVCCO, in front: II VIR. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 70€

1270 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 12.48g/28mm). 27 Fine-14 AD (FAB-811). Obverse: Laureate head of Augustus right, surrounding legend: IMP CAESAR DIVI F AVGVSTVS COS XII. Reverse: Bull right, surrounding legend: CN DOMIT C POMPEI II VIR C VI CEL. Good Very Fine. Green patina.
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Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 120€

1271 | Celtiberian coins

CELSE (Velilla del Ebro, Zaragoza). As. (Ae. 14.16g/28mm). 14-36 AD (FAB-819). Obverse: Laureate head of Tiberius right, around legend: TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Reverse: Bull right, above legend: BACC FRONT, below: CN BVCCO, on the left: DVI CEL, on the right: II VIR II. Good Very Fine. Refinished.
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Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 190€

1272 | Celtiberian coins

CELTITAN (Peñaflor, Seville). As. (Ae. 13.27g/30mm). 50 Fine (FAB-822). Anv: Laureate head right. Rev: Wild boar right on spearhead, below legend: CELTITAN. Good Fine. Rare.
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Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 190€

1273 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). As. (Ae. 8.46g/23mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2289). Anv: Male head to the right, behind Iberian letter: Ta. Rev: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine-.
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Price: 75€

1274 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). As. (Ae. 7.62g/24mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2295). Anv: Male head to the right, behind Iberian letters: IL, in front S. Rev: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine-.
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Price: 60€

1275 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 7.05g/22mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2300). Anv: Male head right. Rev: Horse walking right, between its legs Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 100€

1276 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 6.65g/20mm). 120-20 Fine (ACIP 1106). Anv: Male laurelled head right. Rev: Horseman right, below Iberian legend: CeSE. VF. Scarce specimen.
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Price: 120€

1277 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.66g/20mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2305). Anv: Male head right, palm behind. Rev: Horse with bridle right, below Iberian legend CeSE, dot between the front legs. Very Fine-.
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Price: 60€

1278 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.64g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2305). Anv: Male head right, palm behind. Rev: Horse with bridle right, below Iberian legend CeSE, dot between the front legs. Very Fine-
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

1279 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Velilla de Ebro, Zaragoza). Semis. (Ae. 6.86g/21mm). 120-20 Fine Tarragona. (FAB-2306). Anv: Male head to the right, behind caduceus. Rev: Horse leaping to the right, below Iberian legend CeSE. Very Fine-.
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Price: 30€

1280 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 5.71g/21mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2307). Anv: Male head to the right, behind mace. Rev: Horse walking to the right, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine.
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Price: 120€

1281 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.81g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2310). Anv: Male head to the right, behind a rudder. Rev: Horse walking to the right, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine-.
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Price: 50€

1282 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 2.82g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2310). Anv: Male head to the right, behind a rudder. Rev: Horse walking to the right, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine-. Missing coin blank.
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Starting price: 40€
Price realised: 60€

1283 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.42g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2312). Anv: Male head right, arrowhead behind. Rev: Horse with bridle right, below Iberian legend CeSE, dot between the front legs. VF-.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

1284 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.53g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2315). Anv: Male head right, behind Cu. Rev: Horse with bridle right, below Iberian legend CeSE, dot between the front legs. Very Fine-.
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Price: 50€

1285 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.51g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2316). Anv: Male head right, behind letter Ta. Rev: Horse right trotting, between its legs Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine.
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Price: 80€

1286 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 4.58g/19mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2316). Anv: Male head right, behind letter Ta. Rev: Horse right trotting, between its legs Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine-/Good Fine.
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Price: 30€

1287 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Semis. (Ae. 5.29g/21mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2317). Anv: Male head right, behind letter Du. Rev: Horse right trotting, between its legs Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine-.
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Price: 50€

1288 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.76g/16mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2326). Anv: Male head right, behind three points. Rev: Protomus pegasus right, above crescent with star, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 90€

1289 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.68g/16mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2328). Anv: Male head right, arrowhead behind. Rev: Protome of Pegasus right, three dots above, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

1290 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). Quadrant. (Ae. 1.60g/14mm). 120-20 Fine (FAB-2330). Obverse: Male head to the right, caduceus behind. Reverse: Front of pegasus to the right, three points above, below Iberian legend: CeSE. Very Fine.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 85€

1291 | Celtiberian coins

CESE (Tarragona). As. (Ae. 11.10g/27mm). 110-20 Fine (FAB-2350). Anv: Male head to the right, behind letter BE. Rev: Horseman with palm to the right, below Iberian legend: CESSE. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 50€

1292 | Celtiberian coins

CLUNIA (Coruña del Conde, Burgos). As. (Ae. 13.89g/26mm). 40-20 Fine (FAB-834). Obverse: Male head facing right in front of a dolphin and behind signs: II. Reverse: Horseman with lance facing right, below legend on line: CLOVNIOQ. Very Fine/Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 70€
Price realised: 75€

1293 | Celtiberian coins

CLUNIA (Coruña del Conde, Burgos). As. (Ae. 11.09g/28mm). 37-41 AD (FAB-836). Obverse: Laureate head of Tiberius right, around legend: TI CAESAR AVG F AVGVSTVS IMP. Rev: Bull left, above legend: CLVNIA, around legend: CN POMP M ANTO T ANTO M IVL SERAN III VIR. VF-. Dolphin overstamp on obverse.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

1294 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 10.10g/25mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-846). Anv: Male head to the right, behind legend: CaRBiCa, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to the right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF.
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Starting price: 70€
Price realised: 75€

1295 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 9.54g/25mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-846). Anv: Male head to right, behind legend: CaRBiCa, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF-.
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Price: 65€

1296 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 9.52g/25mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-846). Anv: Male head to right, behind legend: CaRBiCa, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. Good Fine.
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Price: 60€

1297 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 11.37g/24mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-847). Anv: Male head to right, behind legend: CaRBiCoM, in front dolphin. Rev: Horseman with lance to right, below Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. VF.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 100€

1298 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 12.69g/26mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-850). Anv: Male bust facing right with beard, dolphin in front, Iberian letter behind: Co. Rev: Horseman with lance facing right, Iberian legend: CoNTeBaCoM. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 120€

1299 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). As. (Ae. 11.19g/27mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-850). Anv: Male bust facing right with beard, dolphin in front, Iberian letter behind: Co. Rev: Horseman with lance facing right, Iberian legend below line: CoNTeBaCoM. Very Fine-.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 51€

1300 | Celtiberian coins

CONTERBIA CARBICA (Huete, Cuenca). Quadrant. (Ae. 3.52g/17mm). 120-80 Fine (FAB-854). Anv: Beardless male head right, behind a dolphin. Reverse: Horse leaping right, four dots above, exergue legend: CaRBiCa. VF+.
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Starting price: 100€
Price realised: 120€