Online Banknotes Auction #68

Wednesday, 25 May 2022 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

Auction results

Lots offered 675
Lots sold 490 (72.59%)
Starting price lots sold 33.635€
Increase of lots sold* 138 % (12.803€)
Hammered prices (without commission) 46.438€
Lots sold after the auction 49
Total sold after the auction (without commission): 6.605€
Orders received and bidders online 133
Suppliers 25
Results Guaranteed, with no reserve prices. 100% transparency.

* Following the international standard of revaluation in the field of numismatics, and considering that this is a comparative figure, we have had to reformulate it to adapt it to the criteria used by most auction houses. In this sense, we take the initial value as a starting point and set it at 100%, to which we then add the corresponding revaluation percentage.

Online auction

Bids will be accepted until just before the live auction celebration.
From then on exclusively through the online live bidding system.

Auction viewing dates

location Ibercoin

Francisco Gervás, 14. ES28020 Madrid

From 23rd to 25th of May of 2022