Roman Republic

GENS DIDIA. Denario. (Ar. 3,86g/18mm). 55 a.C. Roma. (Crawford 429/2a; FFC 677). Anv: Cabeza diademada y velada de Concordia a derecha, alrededor leyenda: P FONTEIVS CAPITO III VIR CONCORDIA. Rev: Fachada de la Villa Pública con dos pisos de columnas y arcos, alrededor leyenda: T DIDI IMP VIL PVB. MBC+. Escaso ejemplar.

Automatically generated translation

flag_en GENS DIDIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.86g/18mm). 55 BC Rome. (Crawford 429/2a; FFC 677). Obv: Diademed and veiled head of Concordia to the right, around legend: P FONTEIVS CAPITO III VIR CONCORDIA. Rev: Facade of the Villa Pública with two floors of columns and arches, around legend: T DIDI IMP VIL PVB. Good Very Fine. Scarce specimen.

Price 450€

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  • USD $ 439€
  • GBP £ 393€
  • CHF CHF 435€
Updated 2022-10-03 12:00:02