508 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINO I. Pseudo-Argenteo. (Ve. 2,37g/18mm). 318-319 d.C. Trier. (RIC 208a). Anv: Busto con coraza, lanza y casco con cresta de Constantino I a izquierda, alrededor leyenda: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Dos Victorias estantes enfrentadas sosteniendo escudo con inscripción: VOT PR, en exergo: PTR, alrededor leyenda: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP. MBC-. Escaso ejemplar.

Automatically generated translation

flag_en CONSTANTINE I Pseudo-Argenteus. (see 2.37g/18mm). 318-319 AD Trier. (RIC 208a). Obv: Bust with cuirass, spear and crested helmet of Constantine I left, around legend: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Two Victorias shelves facing each other holding shield with inscription: VOT PR, in exergue: PTR, around legend: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP. Almost Very Fine. Scarce copy.

Online Coins Auction #70

Thursday, 14 July 2022 | 15:00

Lot 508

Starting price 50€