503 | Roman Empire

CONSTANTINO I. Follis. (Ae. 3,11g/20mm). 320 d.C. Tesalónica. (RIC 75). Anv: Busto con casco con cresta y drapeado de Constantino I a derecha, alrededor leyenda: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Estandarte con inscripción: VOT XX, entre él dos cautivos sentados dándose la espalda, en exergo: T·S, alrededor leyenda: VIRTVS EXERCIT. MBC.

Automatically generated translation

flag_en CONSTANTINE I Follis. (Ae. 3.11g/20mm). 320 AD Thessalonica. (RIC 75). Obv: Bust with crested and draped helmet of Constantine I right, around legend: CONSTANTINVS AVG. Rev: Banner with inscription: VOT XX, between it two seated captives facing each other, in exergue: T S, around legend: VIRTVS EXERCIT. Very Fine.

Online Coins Auction #70

Thursday, 14 July 2022 | 15:00

Lot 503

Starting price 35€