1467 | Roman Empire

JULIANO II. Follis. (Ae. 3,13g/20mm). 361-362 d.C. Constantinopla. (RIC 166). Anv: Busto diademado con casco y coraza a izquierda portando lanza y escudo, alrededor leyenda: DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Leyenda: VOR X MVLT XX, dentro de corona de laurel, debajo: CONSA. MBC.

Automatically generated translation

flag_en JULIAN II. Follis. (Ae. 3.13g / 20mm). 361-362 AD Constantinople. (RIC 166). Anv: Diademic bust with helmet and cuirass on the left carrying spear and shield, around legend: DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG. Rev: Legend: VOR X MVLT XX, inside laurel wreath, below: CONSA. Very Fine.

Online Coin Auction #60

Tuesday, 21 December 2021 | 15:00

Lot 1467

Starting price 20€