257 | República Romana

GENS SERVILIA. Denario. (Ar. 3,89g/19mm). 100 a.C. Norte de Italia. (Crawford 327/1; FFC 1117). Anv: Cabeza de Roma a derecha, detrás letra O. Rev: Dos guerreros luchando a pie con caballos a los lados, en exergo: M SERVEILI CF, debajo letra R. MBC.

Traducciones automáticas

flag_en GENS SERVILIA. Denarius. (Ar. 3.89g/19mm). 100 BC Northern Italy. (Crawford 327/1; FFC 1117). Obv: Head of Rome to right, behind letter O. Rev: Two warriors fighting on foot with horses at their sides, in exergue: M SERVEILI CF, below letter R. Very Fine.

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Jueves, 20 Julio 2023 | 15:00

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